Harvey Mackay Academy

Joe Sweeney: Legendary Leader Interview

Cliff Jones: Hello everybody, Cliff Jones, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Harvey Mackay Academy, and I’m thrilled to have with us today for the Harvey Mackay Street Smarts podcast. Our guest, Joe Sweeney, New York Times bestselling author of networking is a contact sport. The second best networking book you’ll ever read. Uh, Joe, you’re also very successful businessman you’ve owned and operated for manufacturing companies. You had enough that was constant sports commission and you ran a sports management company representing dozens of professional athletes and you currently work with the navy seals. And what we’re here to talk about today, folks, is how you and the legendary leader, author, speaker Harvey Mackay, seven New York Times best-selling books, two of which the New York Times listed as among the most inspirational books ever written up there with Dale Carnegie and the other legendary author. So what I want you guys particularly to focus on today is how you connected and help our audience, our listeners understand the dynamics of not only writing a New York Times bestselling book, but then actually being able to sell millions of copies as Harvey Mackay has done in more than 80 languages worldwide. So Joe, let’s talk about how you connected with Harvey and get into that story so you guys can help everybody understand what this really takes.

Joe Sweeney: Thanks Cliff. First of all, I just want to say how humbled, grateful and honored I am to be here with the legend Harvey Mackay and I think it’s because today’s topic is how do you write and execute on a New York Times best-seller. I’ve been blessed and privileged to have the opportunity to work with Harvey as he became a role model and mentor in my life. And I guess for the people out there, the only thing I can compare this to really is if you loved golf, it working with Harvey is like playing nine holes with Jack Nicklaus. Or if you back basketball, it’d be like shooting free throws with Michael Jordan or Lebron James. So I just want to start by that, just the, the magnitude of gratitude I have for this opportunity to work with Harvey and become great friends is um, I can’t really talk about it in a 30 minute podcast. If your listeners have seven hours and seven beers, I’ll go through in detail with them. But, um, quite honestly when I contemplated writing a book, I didn’t know where to start. I wasn’t a writer. Um, so I had a conversation with a friend of mine who was at the University of Minnesota, uh, Joel Maturi of the athletic director and he said, if you’re thinking of writing a book, there’s a superstar out here or up here by the name of Harvey Mackay. And I reached out Harvey and I connected and it was instant from the minute we, we met, there was an energy of connection. And the enthusiasm of Harvey is one of those things that’s contagious. It hits you like a ton of bricks and you’re really never the same after you meet with them. So when I talked about this with Harvey, he said, I’ve done this numerous times. I can help you in this process. So just quickly, there are five quick things that Harvey said. If you’re going to be on a New York Times or be on the New York Times best-seller list number one, you need to find a mentor, find someone who believes in you more than you do yourself, and I was blessed because I met Harvey and I also was fortunate to meet Jack Canfield who is the author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which he has sold over 500 million copies of that. What are the best selling all time books ever. That series and then Jack and Harvey said, writing a book is important, but more important than writing the book is marketing the book. I didn’t really believe that, you got to have good content, but marketing it is key and then you’ve got to plan out a strategy and Harvey helped me think through and work through a strategy and most importantly, he said, be ready to work your butt off. And when I was writing this book, I had, I think I looked at my calendar. There are 79 straight days. I worked to launch this. The last lesson Harvey said was always give more value than what you take and I really process those worked hard on it and I couldn’t have done this without the guidance they help and the support of Harvey Mackay. So again, I’m eternally grateful for opportunity to not only meet this person, work with them, but learn to love him.

Cliff Jones: Thanks Joe for that. Let’s swing it back to Harvey because Harvey, I want you to help everybody understand you get requests all the time. So what was it about Joe Sweeney in particular that attracted you and compelled you to want to help them become a New York Times?

Harvey Mackay: Well, that’s an easy question, Joel. Thanks for the very kind remarks. I sincerely appreciate it. No, uh, what attracted me to him. Three things very simply. Number one, it was a hungry fighter. Number two was a hungry fighter, a number three, it was the hungry fighter. Do me those qualities and I can take anyone he or she on the planet and make them successful. And of course, Joe also though believed in himself. He believed in his material. I had written the book, Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty, located at 200 universities, a number one on the New York Times best seller list, and when I picked up Joe’s book, that’s why earlier in the Cliff mentioned, Joe had written the second best networking book ever and also started to have put that right up next to mine. I think both books are just a sensational. Networking is a Contact Sport. Again, to repeat what Joe written. So I knew the subject well. My father taught it to me, networking from age 18 on a, just put it in reverse for a second. Um, networking. He said to me, age 18, Harvey, every person you meet the rest of your life goes into a Rolodex file, obviously computer today, and then a little bit of bottom on the back of the card. And here is the keys: find a creative way to keep in touch because that’s what I’ve been doing ever since I was 18 years of age. So give me something that give me someone who believes in himself or herself and is a hungry fighter and willing again, to take advice from a mentor that’s a package you cannot lose.

Cliff Jones: I’m curious because you’ve touched on it before. You talked about it. When you’re speaking and traveling around the world, share with everybody in in retrospect your biggest challenges and two or three things that you would suggest to these hungry fighters that don’t yet have a book and are facing some of the challenges that you’ve already been through and broken through. So it’s a great question. I think a lot of this, and this is where Harvey really helped, I think some of the biggest challenges that I had. Number one, I’m not sure I have the confidence to do this, to be a New York Times best-seller. You had to be really smart. You had to be able to, um, um, have you had to know how to write. Harvey taught me that, um, because he keeps saying that you’re not that smart, you’re from a bad gene pool, Sweeney, but I can help you. Um, but he really believed in me even when I didn’t think I could do it, and I think you could say a lot of things about Harvey Mackay and what he’s done, but to me be the number one thing and this New York Times best-selling project as an example. He really taught you how to. He could talk about inspire, motivate, believe in you. He’s really, he really teaches people the art of manifestation and without getting way too far into it, it’s really about how do you get things done in life. How do you accomplish what it is you want to accomplish? One of the things is I went through this, Harvey asked me, Joe, what do you want to. What do you want? Why do you want to get it on the New York Times best sellers list? And if you were to do that, what would you feel like? What would you think? Like how would you walk? How would you talk? And it was really about assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. And he said, walk around and act as if you’re already in New York Times best seller. And not in a pompous, arrogant way, but in a way to put you in a mindset to assume that feeling of the wish fulfilled. And I think there’s the magic and the secret behind this is this magnetic pole from what it is you want to where you are today. And that comes together and Harvey was really the root and the foundation for that magnetic pole. So the biggest challenge, Cliff, I think was really believing that I could do this and Harvey just didn’t believe in me. He really showed me the how to do it and I think um, you know, just working with them and being able to pull that off is really completely changed my life for the second half. And I can’t wait to get up every morning for the next 14,000, 386 days.

Cliff Jones: Thanks for that Joe. let’s go back to Harvey. Harvey talk about some of the biggest mistakes you see some of these hungry fighter authors make in the process of creating the book and how you coach and guide them through it.

Harvey Mackay: Well, let me first say that practice makes perfect. Nothing could be further from the truth. You have to add one word. Perfect practice makes perfect. So we have all these, I won’t call them one of these, but let me just put it in reverse for a moment and give you the stats so we know what we’re talking about. Approximately last year, 340,000 books published. 20,000 of them were business books and now get this. This is not a typo of folks that were 1 million self published books last year, which means every one of my dressing today, all you listeners out there, every one of you has a book in you. So the most important thing of all is as Joe said, number one, get a mentor. You know, have someone as an advisor of counselor so that you can practice the right concepts over a long period of time of being in New York Times best seller or just the best seller, any best seller, a logo best seller, an Amazon best seller, Wall Street Journal best seller. Today it goes on and on. There are many, many lists that can make you a bestseller. Practice the right concepts that is really important, and then there’s certain thought processes that you have to ask yourself that most people, most people, they don’t ask themselves these questions. Most important question, when someone comes to me and I’ve been doing this for 30 years, helping authors and that is as follows: Why do you want me to write the book? And they just sent me as a deer caught in the headlights. Why do you want to write a book? And of course there are many motivations. Some people want it to enhance their brand. Other people want it for financial reasons. Other people wanted for a member of the family are dedicated to their grandchildren. Myriad of reasons why, but that’s you have to ask yourself is the first question. Then you have to know some concepts, which of course Cliff puts it in reverse. One of the mistakes they make, here’s the positive things that they should be thinking about and that is not necessarily prioritize but still very important. Give me one paragraph. I only have one paragraph to describe the publishing industry and here it is and you should take notes. Most of you out there and listen right this minute should be taking notes. Pale ink is better than the most retentive memory, which means write it down. Of course, so very, very important. Here’s the industry. Many great books have never seen the light of day because of poor promotion, but all the money in the world can’t sell a bad book, so you have to know immediately that this must be marketed. This book, nothing sells itself, so very, very important. There are many, many moons, many strategies that you have to have in order to make that book become very, very successful. And I’ll just very succinctly just knock out one or two or three of them and again, I hope you’re taking notes, but have a kitchen cabinet should have a kitchen cabinet all your life, even if you don’t want to write a book. And that’s so very, very important. You can bounce ideas off have them read this chapter, having read this, uh, number two, and this will shock everyone. Listening is as follows. Here’s what the book industry demands two chapters and an outline. And that’s it. Let me repeat that. You don’t read the whole book, you just write two chapters and an outline and that’s how the publishers publishing companies make their decision. There are a couple of million people that want to write a book every single year. How are five, 10, 20, 30, 40, publisher’s going to read a couple million manuscripts? They can’t. So that’s the beautiful news. You sit down, you’re write the two best chapters of your life. Okay? Whatever you want. Obviously storytelling is the best with a little bit of humor. You put an outline together and then of course you have to search for an agent. You can find an agent. Terrific. That’s what I call starting at the top and working up. You start with the best. You’re pushed for the best, hope for the best, and you go for number one of course, which is get a major publisher. And how do you find that agent? Well, uh, I have an expression that I’ve used for the rest of my life as well as before. That’s as follows all alright. Bass or where you find them? I live in Minnesota passed. Where you find them, what does that mean? Agents or where you find them? Mortgage money is where you find them. Good salespeople were where you find them. They’re out there, so you have to be very resourceful. Then here’s what I did. As soon as I decided I wanted to write a book, I went and interviewed other authors. You had to do it all over again. What mistakes did you make and back to you, Joe and Cliff. What mistakes did you make? You want to go out and talk to lawyers. You want to talk to. Some publishers wanted to go out and talk to some marketing companies. Okay. That know how to market books and you interview all these people and then you continue to learn. That’s an outstanding tip too, and then just a real quickie after you write that book. This is just, this is pride all the way. You know it’s your baby. You’ve been working on that for one, two years to put that book out. And here’s what’s important to have a party. Barnes and Noble, you know in your, in your city, there’s one in every city. All you do is go to them telling me what to have a book signing, tell them that’s going to invite 100 of your friends, whatever they’d be a little wine, little music, have a great time. That’s a good way to kick it off as far as getting your book published. So again, plethora of ideas. I could go on and on and on for hours as to what you have to do, but don’t ever forget. Practice makes perfect. Not True. Perfect practice makes perfect.

Cliff Jones: All right guys, I want you both to take a shot at answering this because it comes up all the time today for new authors. Self publish or traditional publishing? We all know that the industry has changed quite a bit. So Joe, you take the lead on this. If you were to write another book with the intention of making it a New York Times best seller, an Amazon best seller, what would you advise people to do based on what you would do?

Joe Sweeney: I think the key thing is if you can find a publisher, get a publisher, they will help you with distribution. They’ll get them in all the bookstores, but I think a key thing to keep in mind in Harvey knows this better than anyone is, um, unlike, decades ago, publishers could help drive book sales. You know, unless you’re a Hillary Clinton or George Bush and they give you a big advance. Publishing companies won’t really mark it in push and promote your book. You are primarily responsible for that. And I think a lot of people who go in to publish a book with a publisher think they will pave the way for them. That’s not the industry anymore. At least that’s my experience. So you’ve got to be your own promoter. You’re, you’ve got to be your own marketing firm. You’ve got to get the word out there because publishing firms, unlike decades ago, we’ll do that for you. So if you could find a publisher, I would say do that, but keep in mind you’re the marketing arm and the promotional arm for your content, your book and whatever it is you want to do, whether it’s speaking or reinventing yourself, whatever it is, you are ultimately responsible for that.

Harvey Mackay: Spot on, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Just to piggyback on that for a moment or two, yes, you start, shoot for the stars. Maybe you can get a national, a publisher. However, there’s regional publishers too that are just fabulous. But then the beautiful fall back is, as I mentioned at the top of the program is 1 million. Okay. Books last year, only 340,000 published a million self published and remember a lot of books have been self published, become popular and then a publisher will pick it up. Wow. Look what Joe Dokes to Mary Jones so that’s another strategy that should be used to start looking at the top, try to achieve it. And then the fallback positions, which are beautiful fallback positions, again, are to be published now. Harvey Mackay Academy. Uh, which of course is bringing this to you right now. We have our own little subsidiary of self publishing books and helping people. So any of you out there, if you have any spark whatsoever, just any interest, any enthusiasm, any motivation to write a book. And I always say everyone has one restaurant in them. Everybody wants to own a restaurant and everybody wants to write a book, but you can do it unequivocally. It is easy when you get help, so we’ve got our people here that helped you find good agents. We get you published in market, the book, we help you write the book. We’ve got a beautiful, a beautiful team of experts that can do that and you’ll know immediately so you can just follow the Harvey Mackay Academy and you’ll find a lot of authors and book information, book publishing on that site.

Joe Sweeney: Harvey has always said, when you work with me, you’ll get a 10 times return on your investment. I’m going to challenge that because what I have noticed is that it’s not a 10 times, and then I studied the economics of people who have been touched by this Academy and Harvey Mackay. I wouldn’t say it’s 100 times and so just as you think about this and going into a program with Harvey Mackay Academy, if you had a thousand dollars and someone said, if you work at something, I can give you 100 times return on investment. Would you take that deal? I would and I have. And so this is just kind of a sidebar for the Harvey Mackay Academy because to me it’s 100 times return. It’s not a 10 times or so, Harvey, I’m going to challenge your 10 times. I think you’re more of 100 times.

Harvey Mackay: I’ve never spent a penny quite frankly. Uh, I’ve always made an investment and that’s no question about the investment. One more thing to our listeners that are contemplating writing a book, biggest room in the world is the room for improvement and each and every one of you can take your game to the next level.

Joe Sweeney: All right Joe, back to you because I want you to give our listeners or viewers a dose of reality talking about the hard work it takes. You mentioned earlier the publishers aren’t there to market the book and sell the book. The onus is on you as the author. So walk our audience through the, the, the, the truth about the work involved. Well, one of the things that hurry, he taught me early on was this show you could go out and individually and talk to people to get them to buy some books, but Herbie introduced the term, the 800 pound gorilla. There are 800 pound gorillas out there. Harvey Mackay is one in that he has a following. That is that if you connect with someone like Harvey Mackay for Jack Canfield who’s got millions of followers and it’s just not you communicating with them, you can network and build trust so they know you like you and trust you, and if you can get to that level and create a team of 800 pound gorillas that can help you launch your book and you’ve got to communicate this and coordinated, so it’s all launched at the same time. But simultaneously. What Harvey taught me was he said, get out there. It’s sorta like the theme, Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty. He said, once you have the book done, create as many speaking opportunity as you can. And so I had literally dozens and dozens of free talks that I gave to companies and they would buy two, three, four, 500 books. But I did that for literally 90 days before the book was launched. And then once the book came out, um, you know, it’s like the floodgates opened up, but that didn’t happen on the release date that happened, the 90 to 100 days before that where we worked everyday got in front of as many people as possible to communicate the message and the enthusiasm of this book. And Harvey asked earlier, why do you write a book? And again, there’s hundreds of reasons, but one of the key things I think is, can you get your message out of whatever it is that’s burning inside idea. And if you can do that, the energy comes through. And I think even if you’re not a great speaker, sometimes you’ve got to have good content, good stories. But if you can bring energy and enthusiasm that could really help inspire an audience just by how your book has impacted you. And you share that with the world.

Harvey Mackay: If I may just insert another idea or two that want to make sure I cover before we end this program. That is as follows, titles, titles mean everything and endorsements mean everything. Little things mean a lot, not true little things mean everything. The example, if you were to read my seven books, if you were to read my 1,500 columns, I’m still reading a national syndicated column for 10 million newspapers is about 100 different cities, a weekly doing it the last 25 years, and then all the speeches I’ve made one week, six continents the last 30 years. Take all that material bundled up and you’ll see the small print under the small print will be whispering to you, prepare to win, prepare to win. That’s the gist and one of the most remarkable things that I’ve come up with in my lifetime. Those three simple words, but guess what? Go into a bookstore. Would you rather buy Prepare to Win for Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive? Would you rather buy Prepare to Win, or Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt, or again, Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty or Shark-proof or a How to Get a Job or Getting a Job is a Job. Use Your Head to Get Your Foot in the Door, another book on and on, and The Mackay MBA of Selling in the Real World. So titles are important and subtitles are important. Don’t ever forget them. A couple of subtitles of mine of do what you love, love what you do with deliver more than you promise. Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive. Main title, subtitle on the cover. I’ll sell out, manage all motivate and I’ll negotiate your competition a little bit better than just three words. Prepare to win and then endorsements and any listener out there can go get some endorsements with a little bit of creativity and hard work and I’m very proud of that. Thirty years ago I started and maybe made a little switch in the entire country if not the world, on endorsements. Everybody used to have every business book at three, four, five, six business people. You know the, the that are in business. Nothing could be further from the truth as far as getting results. Don’t necessarily pay off on effort. They pay off and results and we’re here, Joe and I, to help you get the results and so those endorsements. You just give you my, my philosophy. I didn’t just go get four or five, six business people, put them on the back page. Maybe a few of them in the beginning of the book. No, I got Democrats and Republicans. I got people in groups that didn’t each other, but they all agreed on one thing. They liked Harvey’s book. So you want people from different constituencies, not just all business people. If you’re writing a business book. Again, I repeat and I say this to myself everyday. Little things mean a lot, not true little things mean everything.

Cliff Jones: Alright, perfect segue to talk about creativity and what you recommend to help budding authors, writers, speakers, really get into the highest creative mode. And then Joe, I would like you to comment on that please.

Harvey Mackay: First of all, uh, most people off there do not understand. There was no, none, not a correlation between IQ and creativity. Every listener watcher out there can become more creative than they ever dreamed of. All. That, of course, is very important and you can teach yourself that. Just a little example. Get on titles. I went to an advertising agency and the CEO happened to be a woman. She was a very creative, never read a business book in her life. She went out and got nine other people, 10 people in a room for four hours one evening. None of them have never read a business book before, and she then got onto another television show, a little bit about business. She had them read magazine, quips and books, have chapters during those four hours and then they’d come up with ideas for four straight hours on what the title of a good book with your wound up with 150 titles at the end of four hours of which Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive. Got more gold stars and the other red and blue stars that she gave him. I’ll start it out with a red, gold and blue stars and put up there on the board. So a creativity is important. You have to recreate recreative books, you have to go around and hang out with creative people. You have to push yourself. Again, just myriad of reasons that you can do and strategies that you can think of by being creative.

Joe Sweeney: Well, here’s the thing, I think. I think logic can take you from A to B and creativity can take you anywhere and if I think if there’s any blessing and gift I received from Harvey Mackay is, is this. He really could teach you how to think outside the box. And so one of the things that I’ve learned from Harvey is as I’ve gotten older, it’s not so important to have all the answers as much as it is an ability to ask really good questions. One of the things that Harvey challenged me as I was writing and marketing in this book, he would always start with questions. Hey Joe, what if? And he would ask a question or Joe, have you ever thought about. And he’d ask the question. So I think part of stirring the creative juices is more about asking good questions and most of us ask a lot of questions ourselves. We get into this negative self talk, but to have a positive mentor like Harvey to share his insights and to ask good questions. I think it helped really spur that creativity.

Cliff Jones: We’re getting close to the end of our time that a gentleman so in, in leaving our listeners, our viewers with one biggie the thought to focus on, uh, Joe, you can go first. Is there one particular thing that you would suggest to authors that have a book in the works or a on the market and they’re having a challenge selling the book?

Joe Sweeney: Well, there’s two things. There’s one, there’s a challenge about writing and a challenge about launching. I think the right being in Harvey talked about some of this is number one, ask yourself why do you want to write the book? And I think once you have that big enough why, the, how becomes much easier. But most people don’t really understand the why. And Harvey taught me about how you create a big enough why you can really do anything. We just don’t understand that why and then without sounding redundant in the whole process of marketing and promoting it, create your 800 pound gorillas, you know, have this strategy and be able to, um, have a mindset of flexibility because as you do this, there are certain markets that your content will resonate with. And I think too many times we get so rigid Cliff, in our marketing approach, we said, oh, that’s not going to work again, another lesson from Mackay , sometimes you’ve got to keep throwing stuff at the wall and see what sticks. Because the biggest challenge that authors have, I think, and I’ll use this term and harvey has done this many times in his life, is how do you reinvent yourself? In every single book that Harvey wrote and marketed. It was really at a reinvention of Harvey Mackay. He’s done that professionally with many of the things that he’s done in his work world. And he’s also done that in his book world. So number one, I think I have a plan, execute, work like hell, but also, um, be able to accept it’s not failure, failure and I don’t want to call them mistakes. Sometimes they’re just mistakes and be comfortable with that and eventually you’ll find, find that niche. I’ve tried a lot of different things. A lot of them didn’t work, although I don’t talk about them because most people just want to hear what works. So these are the lessons I’ve learned from Harvey and again, Cliff, I’m grateful beyond description to even even beyond this podcast today.

Cliff Jones: Harvey, any parting thoughts for our audience?

Harvey Mackay: Well, a reminder Joe, you talk about the 800 pound gorilla I also sent you on many occasions I sent you an elephant. Okay. Sits where he wants to. You might remember that. Let me, I’m going to leave our audience with one major philosophy that we really haven’t zeroed in on. And that’s the word persistence. Again, I could spend a whole half hour talking about persistence, but let me be very brief with a story first. The correlation is, of course, exactly the same. I’m 21 years old, I got out of college, I go to work for an envelope company. They throw the yellow pages that made good luck, kid. I end up having all kinds of problems. I’m there for one month. I waited for the senior sales person will walk in. Mr Carpenter, he’s in his eighties. I looked at him as a kid. It’ll just 26 years old and I said, I’m having problems. Okay with, with questions and selling. How long do you call on a prospect? I’ll never forget his answer as if it were yesterday. He said, it depends on which one of us dies first, and that of course is persistence at its zenith. Therefore, you must be persistent. Just one book story, Wayne Dyer, he wrote Pulling Your own Strings in Your Erroneous Zones. Uh, for those who may not have heard of them, one of the greatest authors of all times, he went to 20, 25, 30, 35 publishers couldn’t get published. So he published the book himself. He threw a couple hundred books in the station wagon and in those days it was called, he started traveling across the country and I mean, we’re talking about Mickey Mouse stops. No, no major, no major cities. Uh, uh, just a few of them. So one day though, he’s in San Francisco, 3:00 AM in the morning, he was talking about his book, the new St. all the people listening, you know, which were three, four, five, six people, probably three am in the morning on a week station that he would be at such and such bookstore or these books would be at the store tomorrow morning. Believe it or not, ironically or not, one of those six persons happen to be Johnny Carson and Johnny Carson was blown away, had him at his studio interviewed him. And the rest is history. Wayne Dyer is a household name, so Harry’s going from city to city, town to town, state the state, no luck, nothing. And he consistency kept being persistent and Chicken Soup for the Soul. They went 33 of the, two of them, a coauthors. They went 33 days. Mark Victor Hansen with Jack Canfield, partner 33 publishers, and they had 33 no’s and they struck on the 34th, so it’s kind of a falling. I’ll leave you with this philosophy and that is as follows, things don’t ever forget this when nothing ever seems to go right. I sometimes think of a stonecutter hammering away at his rock 100 times without a definite and yet on the 101st blow. The Rock was split in two and I know it was not that blow that at all that had gone before. If you’re not willing to practice and practice to get it right, you’ll never make the hundred blows. That makes the breakthrough on the hundred and first. Good luck.

Cliff Jones: Ladies and gentlemen, we have been visiting with the legendary Harvey Mackay and New York Times bestselling author, Joe Sweeney. If you do not have your free basic membership at Harvey Mackay Academy, Please sign up today. We offer tons of free value, leadership, sales, negotiation. If you’re an author, a speaker, just know we have an ongoing body of work to help you become a legendary success. In addition to all the real world event, so make sure you get your free basic membership at Harvey Mackay Academy.com and we appreciate you being with us today. Thanks very much.

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