Harvey Mackay Academy

Look for Ways to Hand out Praise

The Duke of Wellington, the brilliant British military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, was a great commander but he was a difficult man to serve under. He was a demanding perfectionist who complimented his subordinates only on rare occasions.

In retirement, Wellington was asked by a visitor what, if anything, he would do differently if he had his life to live over again.

The old Duke thought for a moment and then said, “I’d give people I worked with more praise.”

Can you tell I was a history major in college?

There’s a lot of power in praising people. British novelist Arnold Bennett had a publisher who boasted often about the outstanding work of his assistant. Waiting on an appointment one day at the publisher’s office, Bennett approached her with a smile and asked: “Your boss claims you’re extremely efficient. What is your secret?”

“It’s not my secret,” the assistant said. “It’s his.”

She explained that the publisher never failed to acknowledge and appreciate every task she performed, no matter how routine or seemingly insignificant. Because of his attention and praise, she took great pains to deliver good work all the time.

When you sincerely praise someone, and there has to be truth in that praise, something amazing often then takes place. Something starts to grow and change in the other person, and your relationship often becomes deeper and more fulfilling as a result.

My good friend, the late leadership guru Warren Bennis, said: “In experiment after experiment, the workers who thought they were doing better did better.

“In one experiment, ten people were given puzzles to solve. They were all given fictitious results. Half were told they had done well. The other half were told they had done poorly. They were then given a second test, and this time they all did as well or as poorly as they were told on the first test.”

With all the praise and recognition employees seem to crave, you think it wouldn’t matter where or how you give it. But it matters a lot. Managers who don’t bother to get to know their employees on a personal level will not be successful at this task. A shy individual may cringe if recognized publicly; others may take great pride in being honored in front of their peers. Managers must also avoid the appearance of favoritism by considering how much public praise they give the same people time and again.

So should you go easy on the praise to avoid offending someone? No, you should instead learn enough about your employees to be able to tailor your praise to their situations.

Everyone likes a pat on the back and a hearty “well done.” Making praise a truly effective motivational tool requires a little planning. The purpose of workplace praise is to improve productivity and reinforce positive behavior. Keep these notions in mind as you hand out the compliments.

Mackay’s Moral: Well-deserved praise improves the best of days.

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