Harvey Mackay Academy

Sales Are Critical To A Company’s Success

“I’m starving, and it’s Dave’s fault,” a manager complained to his assistant.

“What did Dave do now?” the assistant asked.

“I asked him to pick up a sandwich for me before he returned from lunch,” the boss replied.  “He’s over there at his computer, so where’s my sandwich?”

Just then Dave ran into the boss’s office and said, “You’ll never guess what happened to me at lunch today.  I was at that little bistro on Main Street, when who should walk in but the president of ABC company that we pitched last week.  There wasn’t an empty table in the whole place, so I waved him over and invited him to join me.”

Dave went on:  “I jumped on the opportunity to remind him why he should consider working with us – and he agreed!  He wrote me a check for the retainer.  I raced back here and just worked up the preliminary projections for the new account.”

“Did you remember to pick up that sandwich for me?” the boss asked.

Dave blinked and looked confused.  “Huh?”

As a salesman, when I hear stories like this I cringe.  There are no jobs unless someone brings the business in.  Sales are the lifeblood of any company, and it’s amazing how many people don’t get this point.  Sales are even more important today during this pandemic.

Don’t get me wrong; everyone is important, but sales are critical to a company’s success.   I hammer away at this concept repeatedly.  At our company, we like to say that all our employees are in sales because they are selling our company every day.

Career success often depends on your ability to sell a product, a service or an idea.  No matter what field you’re in, you’ll sell better by remembering these key pieces of expert sales wisdom: 

Mackay’s Moral:  Don’t  just make a sale, make a customer.

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